By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Today, we are learning more and more about the benefits of Vitamin D. Vitamin D “has been linked to bone health, muscle function, brain health, pregnancy, immune activity, cardiovascular health, and cancer.”
Vitamin D is synthesized in the body from cholesterol following skin exposure to the sun’s UBV rays. It, technically, is not a true . . . → Read More: A Look at the Sunny Side: Benefits & Sources of Vitamin D
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Did you know that 80% percent of your immune system resides in your intestines (AKA your “gut”) and that there are 20 times more bacteria living in your gut than all the other cells in the rest of your body?
Did you also know that just any “old bacteria” won’t do?
It is vital to . . . → Read More: Who Will Win the Battle? Staying Healthy and Giving Your Gut a Boost
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Now that we have said good-bye to our damp, cold Spring, we can look forward to warmer Summertime activities. Whether you enjoy walking the beach, swimming, sailing, lawn games, tennis, or just “lounging around in the sun” with family and friends, food becomes part of the equation. Nature’s fresh air and sunshine nourishes our souls, . . . → Read More: Why Choose Grass-Fed Meat? Because If It’s In Their Feed, It’s In Our Food
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Now that winter has finally arrived with her blustery temperatures and billowing snow drifts, it seems more likely that we would be drawn to Nature’s “winter foods,” which include soups, stews, cheeses, nuts, seeds, and oils. The fortunate few who have headed south for the winter or live in warmer climates, year round, may not . . . → Read More: Sweet and Nourishing Winter Foods
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Right after we finished putting the Straw Bale Garden to bed (i.e. composting for next year), froze the last of the peppers and tomatoes for winter stews, and carved our Halloween pumpkins, along came the season filled with not only hearty soups and stews, but also pies, breads and cookies.
Winter vegetables for soups . . . → Read More: Satisfying a “Sweet” Tooth: Healthy Sweets for Holiday Cooking
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Before September came along, summer had been very dry and hot and a challenge for both flower and vegetable gardens. I am surprised how well some have fared. Despite the weather, the tomatoes in my straw bale garden have flourished, ripening beautifully and prolifically. Unfortunately, I was not the only one admiring my Straw . . . → Read More: Straw Bale Gardening August-September Update: Enjoy Your Tomatoes, No Matter What
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
July has been doing her best to make up for a cool Spring. Keeping the plants in my straw bale garden fed and hydrated has been my main focus. Thank heavens for soaker hoses and the occasional rain shower or thunderstorm.
As far as my straw bale gardening experiment is . . . → Read More: Straw Bale Gardening: Lessons Learned
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Spring took a long time coming this year, but we are finally into the “growing season” and the weather is warming up into more seasonal summer temperatures. So this is the time to make sure all your seeds and plants are “ready-set-(to) grow.”
For the record, I started conditioning the straw bales on May . . . → Read More: Straw Bale Gardening: Is Your Garden Cooking, Yet?