By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Today, we are learning more and more about the benefits of Vitamin D. Vitamin D “has been linked to bone health, muscle function, brain health, pregnancy, immune activity, cardiovascular health, and cancer.”
Vitamin D is synthesized in the body from cholesterol following skin exposure to the sun’s UBV rays. It, technically, is not a true . . . → Read More: A Look at the Sunny Side: Benefits & Sources of Vitamin D
By Alice Fuller, Prioritize Your Health
Now that winter has finally arrived with her blustery temperatures and billowing snow drifts, it seems more likely that we would be drawn to Nature’s “winter foods,” which include soups, stews, cheeses, nuts, seeds, and oils. The fortunate few who have headed south for the winter or live in warmer climates, year round, may not . . . → Read More: Sweet and Nourishing Winter Foods